Xiaoye Jing


Miss Xiaoye Jing studied Network Engineering from Harbin University of Science and Technology since 2013. She studied for master degree in Harbin Institute of Technology since 2017. Her research focused on resource allocation and energy efficiency in wireless communication. In July 2019, she joined University College London (UCL) in UK, as an early stage researcher for the European ITN Project PAINLESS, for which she works on the topic of energy efficiency optimization problems in communication network.

Research updates – Period 1

Her recent completed work focused on energy aware trajectory optimization techniques for aerial base station to improve network communication coverage performance. She researched on some methods to let the station covers as many users as possible, under constraints of limited onboard energy. Since the problem formulation was complex and specifically, there were coupling constraints which cannot be solved directly. She exploited a penalty decomposition method and used convex optimization techniques to reformulate the optimization formulation into a new form and then address them. It can be observed that how the energy consumption will be influenced, and how the coverage performance will be affected by the limited energy. Her current work focuses on joint target localization and communication system.



Christos Masouros,

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