Mahshid Javidsharifi


Mahshid received her MSc in Electrical Engineering from Lorestan University, Iran in 2015 with highest honors. Her master thesis was devoted to photovoltaic systems. She was awarded as the Recognized Researcher of Lorestan University, in 2014 and 2015.  She has published five journal and a number of conference papers. She was a visiting researcher at the Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University from September 2018 to April 2019. Her research interests include photovoltaic systems, PV systems modelling, integration of renewable energy sources and storage devices.

In July 2019, she joined Aalborg University (AAU) in Aalborg, Denmark, as an early stage researcher (ESR #3) for the European ITN Project PAINLESS, for which she will work on the topic of photovoltaic energy supply for future energy neutral base stations.


Research updates – Period 1

PV/Battery Power System to Supply Base Stations in Cellular Networks

An optimal method is presented to design a photovoltaic (PV) and battery system to supply base stations in cellular networks.

A systematic approach is proposed for determining the size of PV panels and battery capacity from technical and economical point of view in order to minimize capital as well as operational expenditures while the power autonomy of the PV/battery system is maximized in a multi-objective optimization framework.

Problem solving using the proposed approach leads to a set of solutions at different costs at different levels of power autonomy





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