ESR 15


Igor Donevski


Igor Donevski is a Marie-Curie Early Stage Researcher and a PhD fellow at Aalborg University, Denmark. His current work and interest focuses on researching reliable and low-latency wireless communications for energy constrained devices and UAVs. In 2018, Igor received his MSc degree in Communications and Computer Networks from Politecnico di Torino, Italy. His master thesis was dedicated to improving the energy requirements of existing cellular infrastructure through Base Station Switching by developing a solution based on Recurrent Neural Networks. He then continued to publish a paper for an INFOCOM 2019 workshop on the same topic. He was simultaneously enrolled in the honors program of Alta Scuola Politecnica and received a double degree with Politecnico di Milano. Within the program, he worked with SAR imaging and interferometry and developed a SAR pre-processing and Damage Assessment pipeline which he presented on the 2018 ISPRS symposium in Beijing, China. In 2016 he received his bachelor’s degree in Telecommunications and Information Engineering from the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, N. Macedonia. In 2015, he completed a two-month visit at Northwestern University, U.S.A, under the supervision of Prof. Berry, where he worked on energy constrained communications. His general interests reside in wireless communications, machine learning, optimization and energy efficient communication systems.



Jimmy Jessen Nielsen,

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