❄️ The winter is coming, and so is the PAINLESS – TeamUp5G MSCA joint Winter School, which will take place via Zoom on December 1-2, 2021.
☕📲 Grab your hot beverage register now: bit.ly/painless-register
The full agenda is available at bit.ly/painless-teamup5G-agenda, but here is a sneak peek of what you will see at the PAINLESS – TeamUp 5G Winter School:
🗓️ December 1st:
“Towards connecting the remaining 3+ billion”, by Slim Alouini (KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
“Integrated Sensing and Communications”, by Fan Liu (SUSTech, China)
“Fully Autonomous Drones: From the design board to the skies”, by Dario Pedro (PDMFC Lisbon, Portugal)
Panel discussion: “Spectrum management, regulation and standardization for Energy Efficient Future Networks”
📅 December 2nd:
“Marie Curie Fellowships and Research proposals”, by Elena Gatti (UCL, UK), Fernando Velez (IT, Portugal), Fan Liu (SUSTech, China), Pete James (Lyra Electronics, UK)
“Exploitation, IPR and Entrepreneurship”, by Adam Flizikowski (IS Wireless, Poland), Juan Manuel Vazquez OEPM, Spain), Virginia Trigo (ISCTE-IUL, Portugal)
… and much more! #5g #6g #msca #drones #uavs #energyefficiency