This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 812991
Energy-autonomous portable access points for infrastructure-less networks
PAINLESS Project at a Glance
Call: | H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018 |
Type of Action: | MSCA-ITN-ETN |
Acronym: | PAINLESS |
GA Number: | 812991 |
Duration: | 48 months |
Start Date: | 01/10/2018 |
PAINLESS relates to H2020-MSCA with a vision to produce the first generation of experts in a radically new wave of energy autonomous networks that will revolutionise the wireless networking technology landscape and the plethora of associated vertical business sectors.

PAINLESS workshop at VTC Fall 2022 conference
PAINLESS will hold the workshop “Towards Net-Zero Energy Communication Networks” at VTC Fall 2022. The deadline for submitting a proposal is 14th of August 2022, as per the link below: https://events.vtsociety.org/vtc2022-fall/authors/call-for-workshops-2/ For more...

Introducing DRONESS: an interface for UAV-based network design
We would like to introduce the latest PAINLESS-developed tool: DRONESS. DRONESS is an easy-to-use interface, which lets you design an off-grid UAV-based mobile network in an intuitive way. Some advanced settings are pre-defined and hidden by default but can still be...

Athens Summer School – videos and newsletter
In case you missed our Summer School in Athens, good news: the lecture videos are available on the PAINLESS ITN YouTube channel! Check out the playlist: https://bit.ly/painless-athens-ss You can also find more details on the Summer School in our newsletter available...