ESR 12


Yuan Guo


Yuan Guo got his bachelor’s degree from Beijing Jiaotong University with major in Communications Engineering. He studied for MSc Wireless and Optical Communications at University College London, UK. His master final project is the optimization of the deployment of UAV-based wireless communications system. His main research interest is wireless communications system. In 2019, he joined University of Cyprus as an early stage researcher for the European ITN Project PAINLESS, for which he will work on the topic of millimetre wave (mmWave) communications in the context of wireless power transfer (WPT) and simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT).

Research updates – Period 1

ESR #12 has been working on the network-level analysis of simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) in the millimeter-wave (mmWave) cellular networks. As shown in Fig.1, the multi-cell networks are modeled by Poisson Point Process (PPP), i.e. the locations of base stations (BSs) are distributed according to a homogeneous PPP. We consider the coverage probability of the users with certain information transfer and energy harvest threshold in the scenarios, where 1) users are uniformly & nonuniformly distributed in the cellular networks. 2) users are stationary or with high mobility (MUs). At the same time, we recently proposed and developed several advanced SWIPT techniques to enhance the downlink performance, such as threshold-based antenna switching scheme and BSs sleeping mechanism, etc


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Ioannis Krikidis,

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